Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Observatory NANO report

ObservatoryNANO report: WP2 - Science and Technology Assessment Automotive and Aeronautics
This report provide information on the processing technologies that could potentially be used in the automotive and aeronautics industry to produce nanostructured metals and alloys.

The nanostructured metals and alloys considered are aluminium, magnesium and titanium.

The report introduces the following techniques used to produce nanostructure metals: severe plastic deformation (SPD), nanopowder sintering, melt spinning and electrodeposition.

Most of the techniques presented in this report are used mainly in lab-scale production for now. Very few exceptions where there have been final products are for small parts like bolt or screws used in the automotive or aeronautics industries. For their use in structural applications in the industrial scale, these novel materials have to be obtained in bulk forms with large dimensions, often in large volumes and always with competitive costs compared with the current solutions. Technically it is not possible yet to comply will all the above mentioned constraints at the same time, but the perspectives are optimistic, as the development of nanostructured materials is a fast-growing field and the potential of these materials is very important, as explained in the report.

This report does not contain any economic information about the processes (production costs, production rates and investments necessary). This is a field that should be analysed in a separate study, so that the industry could evaluate the cost-benefit balance associated to the processes for bulk nanostructured metals.

Roadmap Report Concerning the Use of Nanomaterials in the Automotive Sector

This report has the objective to give an overview on the use of nanomaterials in the automotive sector and has not the goal to be exhaustive. It will give to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) the possibility to have a concise description of the development in this sector. For this reason only some scientific details and technological explanations are presented.

This roadmap report has the main purpose to help SMEs which are in the process of looking for new materials with improved properties to be integrated in their new products and to give them a first list of relevant nanomaterials they should consider depending on the industrial applications foreseen, the time to market and the R&D capacity of the company.

The target group of users are SMEs, which are starting a strategic decision-making phase for new product development.

The main purposes are:

􀂃 To give an overview on relevant nanomaterials for industrial applications in the automotive sector at short, middle and long term.

􀂃 To give the actual level of development of the nanomaterials and an approximate evolution of it at short, middle and long term.

􀂃 To be adapted to SMEs.

The results are based on a database with information about more than 100 nanomaterials, which was developed in the frame of the EC-funded project NanoRoadSME. The database and the linked roadmapping tool were structured taking into account the results of a European Survey on more than 300 European SMEs, the results of several R&D surveys and industrial SWOT analysis as well as workshops and experts’ interviews.

Technology and market driven approaches were used to gather useful data into the database. It therefore contains relevant technical and economical information on nanomaterials which have future potential use in the automotive industry. This database is a new kind of instrument for dynamic technology roadmapping.
Downloadthe detail report form bellow link


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Bangalore, karnataka, India
Engineer in Genaral Motors India.